Eagle Creek Academy
K-5 Tuition & Enrollment
K-5 Tuition
For the 24/25 school year, regular tuition is $15,660.
For the 25/26 school year, regular tuition is $16,440.
We offer many options for decreasing your K-5 tuition. Please click here for more information.
At Eagle Creek, the 3rd child in K-5 is free.
All children pay a $225 registration fee their first year only.
Many schools have additional, hidden fees. We do not. All fees are explained in the contract and the family handbook, which you may read anytime before enrolling.
Children should bring drinks and snacks. They may bring lunch or prepay for hot lunch.
If your child starts mid-year, we prorate the tuition.
All children and their families may join the Eagle Creek community for events such as Trunk or Treat, Santa Breakfast and STEAM Night.​
Schedule & Extended Care
K-5 Schedule
School is from 8:15 to 3:20.
Families drop off between 8 and 8:15.
Families pick up by 3:35.
We offer steady before-school and after-school care.
You may drop off at 7 am or 7:30 am.
You may pick up at 4, 4:30, 5, 5:30, or 6 pm.
To see the extended care rates for 24/25, please click here.
To see the extended care rates for 25/26, please click here.​
We also offer occasional before-school and after-school care. Your child will be in the same room and with the same friends & teachers as steady care.
To register during the 24/25 school year, click here.
To register during the 25/26 school year, click here. (The link is coming soon.)